Building and Maintaining Relationships Part 1 - Outreach on Behalf of Your Client

by Kate Lollar

Relationships are the most fundamental building blocks of great public relations. It’s literally in the name! Whether you’re looking to secure media coverage, partnerships, or direct community engagement, authentic relationship building is the right path to take. In this blog, we’ll focus on traditional PR - media relations with five key tips to help guide your way. 

Understand Your Client's Goals

Before embarking on any outreach efforts, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your client's objectives. This ensures that every interaction serves a purpose and contributes to their overarching mission.

Research, Research, Research

Successful outreach hinges on thorough research. Take the time to identify potential targets that align with your client's industry, values, and objectives. Knowing who to pitch and tailoring your outreach appropriately is PR 101.

Understand the Outlet’s Goals

Ask not what they can do for you (or your client), but how you can help them tell a great story. Editors and writers have their own objectives and audience, and the best way to build great media relationships is to make them mutually beneficial. Instead of focusing solely on the news your client is sharing, do your research, ask questions, and figure out how your announcement or coverage opportunity uniquely fits into the media outlet’s interests and needs. 

Make Yourself a Source

Ongoing relationships are an opportunity to support your contacts even when you have nothing to pitch. For agencies especially, keeping in touch with media and providing interesting interviews and viewpoints from a variety of sources/clients is an evergreen business strategy. Connecting the dots between colleagues, organizations, events, and opportunities can significantly increase the likelihood of future coverage. 

Be Timely and Take Good Notes

Outreach doesn't end with the initial communication. Follow-up is key to nurturing relationships and moving them forward. Respect the reporter’s time and preferences, but don't be afraid to be proactive – on both sides, with your clients and media – to make sure deadlines are met. A good database and notes are invaluable here. If you have multiple clients, outreach shouldn’t live in a silo. Know where you left off in conversations, remember what you learned from the last pitch, and humanize your PR! 

Stay tuned for part 2, when we will discuss how to stay top-of-mind without being over the top. Until then, join us around the campfire on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn!


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