Essentials to Working On the Go

By Mackenzie Grannan

When operating in a hybrid work dynamic, no two days are ever the same. Some days may require you to be completely remote, while others will have you driving all around town. You may find yourself with  awkward pockets of time between events or meetings that leave you feeling stranded or in limbo. If you have a schedule like mine, here are a few tips that will prepare you for working on the go:

Pack Your Essentials

Before I step foot out the door on days with scattered meetings and events, I make sure to gather all of my must-have items. I pack  chargers, notebooks, devices, calendars, and deliverables. With my needed tools in hand,  I am equipped for the day, especially when I may not have the luxury of running back home to retrieve anything. I have fallen victim to a dying camera when taking pictures for a client, and it was definitely a hard and embarrassing lesson to learn!

Map Out Your Route

As I am going through my evening routine, I like to review my calendar for the next day to get an idea of what will be expected of me. I identify  different locations and times that I will be needed at in-person events. From there, I like to create a game plan that accounts for ways to avoid traffic and places to work during dead periods. I keep a running list of coffee shops with plenty of outlets and free Wi-fi! My plan makes the most of my time to be productive and helps me avoid spending too much time behind the wheel.

Prepare to Be Flexible

With this type of work flow, you are susceptible to an ever changing calendar and schedule. Chances are you will occasionally face the challenge of  an impromptu meeting or event to cover. One of the best ways I prepare for the unexpected is by keeping a change of clothes and shoes with me at all times. A simple black blazer, a nice pair of flats, and a little jewelry allow me to easily uplevel my outfit or freshen up my look on the move. I also recommend carrying a go-pack of makeup and toiletries, because you never know when you will need a quick touch up.

Working on the go offers many benefits, but can also come with a few cons. Hopefully these tricks of the trade will help you create a proactive routine for mobile working! To learn more about how we work and what we do at Campfire Collective, visit our full blog page here.


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